Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome Max #2!!

OK, who had 8 days on the poll of how long the fish would last??

So, we went to church yesterday and came home to this:

Which was followed quickly by this:

Which led to this:

Welcome Max #2!!!


Vicki said...

Oh, that's so sad!

Broderick Clan said...

Alex looks like Mindy when we lost our beta fish who was named Sarah. That also led to Sarah #2. We will have to met Max #2 some time!

Kristen said...

Look at those eyes--so sad. Oscar finally died at out house after we left, but I'm not as nice as you are to get another one. Good luck Max, may you live at least 10 days.

Anonymous said...

Classic blog! May have had somthing to do with the frothy, sudsy water. Jesus, was the sushi good? jk. Hope Alex feels better.

randi said...

Oh, that face is so sad! I can't help but smile when I look at it because he's so darn cute!