Monday, August 25, 2008

Back To School

The school year has started!! (pause for a moment of silent cheers....) Alex started 1st grade and AJ started 4th grade. We took the pics early this morning on the way and I told them to come home with the name of a new friend that they made today and to be ready to tell me what they liked about their day.

Alex said he couldn't remember the boys' names but they played at recess, and his favorite part was PE and eating two lunches--he took his lunch and then proceeded to get hot lunch too! I was like Alex you can't do that but he was like well---they let me and it was macaroni!! I guess there you go.

Aj said his favorite part was also PE and trading his juice pouch for a pizza at lunch! I guess it's all about the food at school huh?

I am excited for their new school year!!!


Vicki said...

Wow, both boys in school all day. What are you going to do with yourself? One of these days we'll have to go to lunch when I come in to town.

Kristen said...

Do you have to wear red to go to that school?

Jesus said...

No, we decided to match so people would know AJ and Alex were my sons. Otherwise, there would have been no resemblance at all.