Monday, April 21, 2008

Day Camp

So AJ had day camp this weekend for Cub Scouts and is now trained to kill or mame is 4 different ways. J/K. But he was able to shoot a BB Gun (which he is desperately and vainly trying acquire from us) and shoot a regulation Bow and Arrow. Up until now, it's only been NERF or the suction cup arrows. He had a great time and was able to meet a very handsome hero. Veeeery handsome.


Meli said...

Wow that "Lamanitish Nephite" is very handsome!! Good blog post honey!

Kristen said...

Cute pics of AJ and his friends. How fun for J to get to dress up and be a hero!

chercard said...

Nice Nephi impersonation Jose!

VegasWatkins said...

Dude that guy is hot can I get a number? J/K glad the weekend turned out so well. Thanks for all your hard work!

Jesus said...
