Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So J and I were talking last night about what our youngest memories were. Mine is going to the movies with my dad, only me, to see Pinnochio! I remember an escalator and some mall area where it was at. I had to be like only 2 but I have vivid flashes of that time. What are some of your youngest memories? Oh by the way I was reading and also a piano prodigy at this time in my life as well! lol (some of you will appreciate that)


Kristen said...

Well I was potty trained at 1 years old. I was a prodigy at that you know. I lived in my old neighborhood when I was 2-4 and remember all kinds of things from there. I remember things from there for sure. One day I did drive the car across the cul-de-sac when my mom left the car running. Luckily when I put it in reverse it went across the street to our house and ran into a tree.

randi said...

Well lets see...I remember when my parents took me to see Albert Einstein because I was solving math problems at about 8 months. I mean we're talking E=mc2! And I remember when our neighbors house burned down across the street and I was probably only 3 or 4. It's amazing how the brain works, we can remember bits and pieces that far back but can't remember to take the trash can out on trash day!

Cardalls said...

I had terrible ear infections as a little girl. I remember being up at night crying because they hurt so much and my Mom rocking me in the old white squeaky rocking chair. I was probably around 2-3.