Friday, March 7, 2008

"Fish"back Friday

So ok, for this weeks installment of flashback friday (fbf) I thought it would be fun to post pictures from past fishing derbies that we have attended. Every year our community hosts this fishing derby where they stock a lake full of fish and let the little ones go at it. There is also prizes that they raffle off from tickets you get from catching fish. We have done this for the past few years and look forward to it every year. (I go for the socializing and doghnuts) Most of the people who attend are from our ward so it is a blast to hang out on a Saturday with great friends. Then later that night we get together and have a potluck fish fry. Good times, good times.


Kristen said...

Your kids look so little it is so cute. BTW, who is that hot guy in the first picture next to Jesus? My fish is bigger than yours.

Jesus said...

Kristen Writes:
BTW, who is that hot guy in the first picture next to Jesus?

Are you talking about Kelsey or Kevin?

randi said...

oh, I'm so homesick for you guys!!! I can't believe we're missing the fish fry!!!

Cardalls said...

So glad you guys are back in town. It was so fun to play at the park after and for you to come to our house to clean the disgusting fish! My boys LOVE playing with yours...we'll have to do it more often.

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun. And YUMMY. I haven't had fresh fish in so long. It's so cute to see how the boys have grown in those pics. Love you all.