Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tagged!! me A-Z

A--Attached or Single? Attached--married 12 years in May
B--Best friend? I have the best girl friends, but I would say J!
C--Cake or Pie? Cake for sure--not a huge fan of pie.
D--Day of Choice? Fridays! J doesn't work Friday nites and we have the whole weekend ahead of us.
E--Essential Item? Internet access--I am addicted to the computer! I pay for internet, would never pay for TV
F--Favorite Color? used to say clear because it included all the colors, but I love reds and blues
G--Gummy bears or worms? bears but only the white or red ones
.H--Hometown? Winslow, Arizona--no I wasn't standin on the corner in Winslow Arizona, but they do have a designated corner
I--Indulgence(s) Scrapbooking items, bubble baths, yummy dark chocolate
J--January or July? July all the way--I hate January, its too cold.
K--Kids? 2 little boys and one big one
L--Life is incomplete without? friends,my hubby, sisters
M--Marriage date? May 17, 1996
N--Number of siblings? 4 I am the oldest of 5 kids
O--Oranges or apples? Apples, but I really like watermelon and grapes too
P--Phobias or fears? ok these are weird but clowns and midgets--circus' are a big no way for me, also I am afraid of water in my house
Q--Quotes? It is better to ask forgiveness than permission, J/K I like this one too, When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on!!
)R--Reason to Smile? listening to my kids sing to the radio or say funny things, good chats with friends on beautiful days outside
S--Season? Spring or Fall.
T--Tag 3 friends? Jenn, J, Shelly
U--Unknown Fact? I pretty much tell everyone too much--so says my husband:)
V--Very Favorite Store? I love the container store,or organized living, Walmart, and Target
W--Worst Habit? I can burp like a sailor!!.
X--X-ray or ultrasound? Dumb question, I think who ever made this up couldn't think of anything that started with X
Y--Your favorite food? Mexican food!!! Even before I married a Mexican so its not biased
Z--Zodiac? Virgo--yes I am:) hee hee


Cardalls said...

You may want to stay away from the Draper's blog...CLOWN ALERT! My boys would love to play with yours sometime this week if you are available.