Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Let the Bone Breakin' Begin

Ok so I hope that the title of this post DOES NOT EVER come true! My husband is a little more leary about the trampoline than I am--that's because I grew up with one. And now they make them way more safe--with enclosures. Ours has that too, we are just slowly putting it together. The funny thing is that Alex seemed to have more fun with the box than the actual trampoline last night. (I put that picture here also) Yeah, my kids actually ask to go outside now instead of what movie they can watch. YES!!!


Cardalls said...

Our trampoline has to be one of the best things we have ever purchased! My boys play on it for hours!

Cardalls said...
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Kristen said...

my trampoline is better than yours--wait, i don't have one.

randi said...

I can't believe you finally broke down and bought your kids a trampoline. I bet they are in heaven!!! How fun!

Anonymous said...

YOU GOT A TRAMPOLINE!!! I am so jealous. Looks totally fun. Me and Marcie were just talking about how we used to camp out on the tramp. Good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky. We can't wait to visit you. Love you.

QnA Drapers said...

Wish we could come over and jump and smell your new carpet! Fun stuff!!

The Ririe's said...

Looks like fun!!!! Did you have to get that because we have your swingset???