Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flashback Friday---Boobie Farklebutt

So my new name, according to this, is Boobie Farklebutt. Remember when you were little and would imagine what your new last name would be??? Ya Farklebutt never made it on my list---lol!! Figure yours out and let me know----

The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names....

So:-1. Use the third letter of your first name toDetermine your New first name:
A = snickle
B = doombah
C = goober
D = cheesey
E = crusty
F = greasy
G = dumbo
H = farcus
I = dorky
J = doofus
K = funky
L = boobie
M = sleezy
N = sloopy
O = fluffy
P = stinky
Q = slimy
R = dorfus
S = snooty
T = tootsie
U = dipsy
V = sneezy
W = liver
X = skippy
Y = dink y
Z = zippy2.

Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
A = dippin
B = feather
C = b atty
D = burger
E = chicken
F = barffy
G = lizard
H = waffle
I = farkle
J = monkey
K = flippin
L = fricken
M = bubble
N = rhino
O = potty
P = hamster
Q = buckle
R = gizzard
S = lickin
T = snickle
U = chuckle
V = pickle
W = Hubble
X = dingle
Y = gorilla
Z = girdle3.

Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
A = butt
B = boob
C = face
D = nose
E = hump
F = breath
G = pants
H = shorts
I = lips
J = honker
K = head
L = tush
M = chunks
N = dunkin
O = brains
P = biscuits
Q = toes
R = doodle
S = fanny
T = sniffer
U = sprinkles
V = frack
W = squirt
X = humperdinck
Y = hiney
Z = juice

Let's hear your new names--say it loud and proud!!!


Cardalls said...


Cannata Clan said...

Dorky Dippin Dunkin! I just love the alliteration.

Cannata Clan said...

and Dorfus Dippindunkin says Hi too. (The other white meat.)

Kristen said...

Dorky Brains!

Vicki said...

Oh, I've done this before. I would be Goober Pottydunkin

Cannata Clan said...

Kristen u missed the Waffle in your name.

tavia said...

tootsie waffle doodle ,,no wonder im so fat ita all food.:)

QnA Drapers said...

Just saying hello from your friend dinky gizzardbutt in nebraska! ;)

VegasWatkins said...

Well i am now known as "Dorfus Dippinsniffer" to all my friends. That was fun thanks!

Kristen said...

Yeah Kristin with an "i" I skipped part of it, but now I am proudly Dorky Wafflebrains.