Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What the ....???

Ok I think there is a conspiracy in the bird kingdom against me. Here I am, trying to mind my own buisness and walk in the morning for some nice exercise and birds are attacking me!! I am not kidding--stop laughing!! Monday at the park I ususally walk, and have been walking for over a month now, a bird totally came up behind and was swaking and flying close by my head--I had to run for my life and cut my walk short! I was freaked out. Visions of the movie Birds were going thru my head. So this morning I was actually a little scared to go back there to walk so I decided to just walk my neighborhood and another freaking bird did the same thing to me!!! I mean what the .....!!!! I was flinching everytime a bird flew over--I know they were laughing at their power over me!! Any ideas or suggestions????? I'm not wearing any shiny objects or special perfumes. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


Janalee said...

Maybe it's that new worm-scented shampoo you've been using?

Kristen said...

You are too tall. Try walking hunched over.

Cardalls said...

try walking with your umbrella.

Jesus said...

Maybe if you flip them the bird they will leave you alone, as that is their sign. Kinda like when you say Bah Ram Ewe to sheep or Neigh! to a horse. I still can't stop giggling like a schoolgirl at this. ;)

Cannata Clan said...

Gotta comb your hair before you go to workout. They were looking for their eggs in your little nest. :p

Broderick Clan said...

I couldn't help but laugh!It reminded me of last weekend at our reunion. Under the pavillion we had so many birds. They were not only attacking but pooping! yuck! My cousin got a football and attacked them until all were gone. So maybe carry a football!

Shelley said...

LOL!! I can't stop laughing! That's funny to think about! Silly birds!

Vicki said...

I heard that birds follow beauty! I haven't seen any for a long time!!

VegasWatkins said...

This cracked me up!! Three years ago I had one poop on my head. So gross, but I can laugh about it now, but don't tick them off their retaliation is so gross!